Request Prayer
Need Prayer?
Our Staff Ministers and Licensed Spiritual Practitioners are here to serve and support you.
Everyone can pray, and everyone can use prayer support. Our Vision Staff Ministers and Licensed Practitioners (RScP) are here to support you on your spiritual journey. Maybe you would like the outcome to be wholeness, or joy or peace? All prayer requests are held in strict confidence. If you are experiencing challenges concerning your situation, we recommend that you call one of our professional practitioners to set up an appointment. VISION Ministry of Prayer 619-501-5743 / Staff Ministers and Licensed Practitioners, RScP
If you’re new find out more here – Affirmative Prayer Explained
Vision Staff Ministers and Licensed Practitioners (RScP) are spiritual counselors licensed by Centers for Spiritual Living. They have at least four years of training plus required ongoing education in providing support for those on the spiritual path as well as affirmative prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment). Each is bound by a high code of ethics to respect your privacy. They are available for prayer after our Sunday Gatherings and/or one on one sessions by appointment.
We welcome you to submit a prayer request form below. When you make your request, it is helpful to let us know what you want to experience from this prayer. Please provide your phone number in the request if you would like a call back or have a practitioner leave the prayer on your voicemail.
“We welcome you to submit a prayer request form below, which our entire Practitioner Core will hold in prayer throughout the week.”

From our Founder, Ernest Holmes
“Good and more good is mine. An ever-increasing good is mine. There is no limit to the good which is mine. Everywhere I go I see this good, I feel it, I experience it. It presses itself against me, flows through me, expresses itself in me and multiplies itself around me.”
– Ernest Holmes
Request Prayer
We have multiple Ministries & Groups for you!
They can help you as much as you can help them.
Loving Support
Our Ministries, Groups & Volunteer Opportunities
Our Ministries, Groups and Volunteer Opportunities are all a way to consciously circulate our time. We get/give loving support to/from one another on our Spiritual Journeys. Please seek the support you need at Vision and commit time to doing some volunteer work that shares your gifts and talents. Doing this “work” is at the heart of our community and is a great way to meet people and have some fun and laughs along the way. Contact the Director or leader of the ministry or team in which you are interested or call Vision’s main office at (619) 303-6609.
Coffee Connection M-F 8:30-9am PT via Zoom
A great way to connect with your Vision family weekday mornings. We have a quick prayer, check in, share what’s on our hearts and have fun chatting. It’s a great way to start your day.
Compassionate Care Ministry
Our Compassionate Care program is available at any time you need some help, prayer or support. At challenging times you can always reach out for loving support. Call our main office at (619) 303-6609.
The Communications Ministry is responsible for distributing the word of Vision through the Internet, printed form, advertising, e-mailings, and any other form of communication.
Education Ministry
Vision offers a wide variety of Certificated Courses, Enrichment Classes, Book Studies, and Workshops throughout the year. These classes are opportunities to deepen your understanding, expand your consciousness, and provide practical tools to apply spiritual principles to create the life you desire.
“A good Sunday talk can change your week; a good class can change your life!” Paul Hemmerling, RScP
Let’s face it, for most of us food is what connects us. That’s why we have Hospitality after Sunday Service. We need cooks, servers and set-up/clean-up folks to help with this very gratifying gathering.
Virtual Meet & Greet : Sundays 11:15am PT
Our on-line community can get together after Sunday Celebration using Zoom. You can get one-on-one prayer with a Practitioner, say hi to other members or just sit with others in community.
Ministry of Music
Vision is proud of our Music Ministry led by Mark Danisovszky and includes the House Band, Special Guest Singers, Celebration Singers and Higher Vision Choir.
Celebration Singers – The Celebration Singers are small ensembles that support the Sunday Celebration Experience by leading the group singing and often providing ‘back-up vocals’ to our guest artists. Contact James Vandenburg for more information (james.vandenburg@visioncsl.
The Higher Vision Choir – The Higher Vision Choir sings for Vision’s Sunday Morning Celebrations once a month from September through June and rehearses on Tuesday Evenings at Vision. All are welcome and no auditions required! Contact James Vandenburg for more information (james.vandenburg@visioncsl.
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© VISION: A Center For Spiritual Living 2024, All Rights Reserved.