About Vision
Our Spiritual Center has been transforming lives since 2007. Our Mission & VisionMeet the TeamOur Team
What We Believe
Sunday Celebration
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Our Youth Program Meets during Sunday Celebration. It’s full of fun, Spiritual Tools, music and stories.
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Our Mission & Vision
We transform people’s lives through practical spirituality.
Founded Feb 11, 2007
Everything that we do at Vision, from Sunday Celebration to Choir to Affirmative Prayer to Youth Programs is in service of our mission to transform our lives through practical spirituality. This transformation awakens each of us to the magnificence of our own true nature that guides and directs each of us without fail.
How do we transform our lives through practical spirituality? It begins with the phrase, “Change your thinking, change your life.” This comes from Ernest Holmes, our Founder who wrote “The Science of Mind” textbook written in 1926. We come together in community to pray, to practice other spiritual tools like meditation and gratitude.
Ernest Holmes, said, “ Developing confidence in ourselves, in our ability to meet and handle all undesirable conditions requires we must have confidence in that something within us that is greater than we are. Then we will have Spiritual Self-Reliance. When this is done the lesser must always submit to the greater. Weakness will give way to strength, despair will turn to hope, hate becomes love, failure becomes success and sickness dissolves into health.”
“We have within us, a power that is greater than anything we shall ever contact in the outer, a power that can overcome every obstacle in our life and set us safe, satisfied and at peace, healed and prosperous, in a new light, and in a new life.”
– Ernest Holmes
What We Believe
About Centers for Spiritual Living
Vision is a Center for Spiritual Living. The organization is based in Golden, Colorado, Centers for Spiritual Living™ is a global organization comprised of more than 400 spiritual communities, teaching chapters, study groups and other ministries in 30 countries.
These communities teach a New Thought philosophy that brings religion and science together and offers spiritual tools to transform personal lives and help make the world a better place. This is done through the study and practice of Science of Mind® and Spirit, also known as Religious Science®, which holds that all life is sacred — that each human being is a perfect expression of God.
We believe in Cause and Effect and teach that “it is done unto you as you believe.” In essence, our thinking and expectations create our reality. Our teachings incorporate the ancient wisdom of spiritual traditions through the ages. People of all spiritual paths — Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and all others — are welcome in our communities.
“Good and more good is mine. An ever-increasing good is mine. There is no limit to the good which is mine. Everywhere I go I see this good, I feel it, I experience it. It presses itself against me, flows through me, expresses itself in me and multiplies itself around me.”
– Ernest Holmes
Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership
Vision has been blessed with the leadership of both the Founding Minister – Rev. Patti Paris and Director of Operations – John Kurko since we opened in 2007. When we started Vision we began with the affirmation: We Are A Growing and Prosperous Community. We have proven our prosperity with a community that began here in San Diego and now thrives across the world. Our Practitioners, C.O.R.E. Council, Team Leaders, Ministries and members are built on the premise that we are Transforming Lives Through Practical Spirituality. We believe and live this every day and look forward to many more years of a joy filled life built on the principles of Ernest Holmes.

Rev. Patti Paris
Founding & Senior Minister
Rev. Patti believes as Dr. Albert Schweitzer said, “Those of us who are truly happy are those who sought and found a way to serve. “She is the Founding and Senior Minister of VISION: A Center for Spiritual Living, which began in February 2007. VISION started, as all things do, in Divine Mind, and grew from there. It is a vibrant and supportive community of diverse individuals from all walks of life.

John Kurko
Director of Operations
John came to Vision with many years of experience in business through running his own companies and management through many others. He currently runs the administration, website, sound and video departments, business planning, music bookings, database and so much more. You will see John greeting our congregation each Sunday and giving hugs to all who want one.
Staff Ministers

Rev. Jeanne Phillips
Compassionate Care Ministry

Rev. Loree Oberle-Edwards

Rev. Diane Russell
Special Events Coordinator

Rev. Lori Sheets
Coffee Connection Leader
Vision Licensed Practitioners

Alan Olson, RScP

Anne Di Napoli, RScP

Audra Nichole, RScP

Billie Frances, RScP

Brenda Nason, RScP

Cindy May, RScP

Darryl Thompson, RScP

Donna Thomas, RScP

Dorothy Darling, RScP

Hummingbird Dixon, RScP

J.P. Schuiteman, RScP

James Vandenburg, RScP
Choir Director, Education Director

Joanne Millison, RScP

Joe Pirrello, RScP

Kathryn Flanagan, RScP

Maria Flores, RScP

Marcus Gilliland, RScP

MaryAnn Downs Tanaka, RScP

Mary McNabb, RScP

Micah Leslie, RScP

Mike Nidess, RScP

Nan Agriesti, RSCP

Paul Hemmerling, RScP

Ruth Starwell, RScP

Tracy Smith, RScP

Victoria Cramer, RScP
C.O.R.E. Council
C.O.R.E. Council description and current members
The C.O.R.E. Council is the team that sets and oversees the basic policy for Vision CSL activities. The C.O.R.E. Council takes its name from the acronym Consciousness Of Reality Evolving.
The C.O.R.E. Council includes the Senior Minister and three members who are elected by the congregation at the annual membership meeting for three-year terms. The three elected members are appointed by the C.O.R.E Council to serve as the corporate officers of Vision CSL as President, Secretary and Treasurer as required under our 501(c)(3) charter. They are responsible for oversight of the financial status of Vision and work directly with the Senior Minister and Business Manager.
The C.O.R.E. Council meets every month, and record minutes and actions arising for each meeting.
The current roster for 2024-2025 is
President – Rich Poser
Treasurer – Dorothy Darling
Secretary – Lou Gibson
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