Concert: “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” with DeAndre Simmons
Vision Mission Valley 4780 MISSION GORGE PLACE, SUITE H, SAN DIEGOWeek of Events
Sunday Celebration
Virtual Meet & Greet
Virtual Meet & Greet
Vision Virtual Meet and Greet! After Sunday Celebration around 11:15 a.m. PT We have missed getting together after our celebrations for hospitality and prayer so we have created Vision Virtual Meet & Greet for us to get together using Zoom. You can get one-on-one prayer with a Practitioner, say hi to other members or just […]
Prayer Shawl Group
Prayer Shawl Group
The Prayer Shawl Group gets together to knit and/or crochet blankets with prayer folded into the blankets for people receiving chemo, homeless, hospitalized patients, hospice or nursing home patients. First Sunday of each month from noon to 1:00 pm.
Concert: “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” with DeAndre Simmons
Concert: “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” with DeAndre Simmons
DeAndre Simmons will be preforming songs, arias and spirituals from black composers from over the ages. He and pianist, Ken Anderson, will bring you through the decades of music that has changed our American culture. Tickets $25 American bass, DeAndre Simmons, having been hailed as being the performances "class act" by the Los Angeles Times, […]
Intuition Group
Intuition Group
This group meets weekly to learn how to strengthen our connection to our intuition and to develop psychic abilities through study and one-to-one practice. Click Here To Join Via Zoom
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Usually, rehearsals take place on 3 Tuesdays each month and the choir sings on the 4th Sunday, from September through June. This schedule can change depending on how the holidays fall. Choir does not sing in July and August. Music, rehearsal tracks, and fun are all provided. Please come and join your voice with ours!
Class: The Mystical Path
Class: Foundations
Class: Foundations
No More Students Accepted For This Class Send us an email at [email protected] to sign you up for our next class in September 2025.